Thursday, February 10, 2011

u are sooo cute laaaa~~

i like cakes. especially chocolate cakes. xkire la pattern/corak/design die macam mana. yang pasti ade flavor chocolates memang i suke sangat sangatttt. hihi. but nowadays they have been come up with so many many design of the cakes right. and yes, for sure it all have their own reason why they make such type of cakes. well, i am enjoyed looking at these types of cakes. because they are very very cute. tapi tak tau macam mana nak makan. and makan ke tak. sebab sayang la. nanti bile makan, rosak la design die. hehe. kat makanan pon sayang kan. yeah, i ni memang penyayang orang nye...wuuuu :P

here are some piccas of those cakes. take a look!

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